The cello is an extremely difficult instrument to play, and there are many reasons why this is true. Though some would simply quit because of the difficulty of it, I take it as a challenge, and thats one of the reasons why I even play the cello.
Though some may say that the piano is a much harder instrument, if, that were true, then why are there so many piano players, but only a couple of well-known cello players.
Here is an image of a cello
Articulation, intonation, tone quality, musicality, all important factors to playing good music. Some instruments have some of them or nearly all of them, but the cello has every single one. All of these factors you have to keep in mind of all the time, which can get stressful and annoying at times, which is why I think playing the cello is indeed quite difficult.
The cello is much bigger than the violin, meaning it can project its sound much larger than it. That means that the audience can hear the cello much easier. It is also smaller than the bass. That means maneuverability is much easier when moving the cello from one place to another, and due to it being smaller than the bass, you can have much more control over it
The flowing, rich and warm tone of the cello is an extremely difficult skill to hone and be able to project it, but when you able to, I have no doubt, you will amaze every person that hears it. Simply because of the perfect size of the cello, not being too big or too small, and simply because of how it was made.
To clarify, its not exactly a past experience, since I am playing it now, but I will explain why I said past instead of preseent. Before I was good at the cello, I really struggled with it. I had to touch all the notes, play the right bowing, project the right sound, without making a single mistake for that to be decent, and that was 3 years ago. I have obviously improved now, but sometimes, the cello still can be difficult.
As I mentioned before, even now, playing the cello is much more difficult due to the harder pieces I have to play now. However, I feel like my tone, articulation, intonation, and musicality, all important factors to playing good music, have dramatically since I first started playing the cello. Because of that, I have truly enjoyed playing the cello even though it is sometimes difficult to play it sometimes.